The Project
Our project is to develop an electric vehicle. Originally, we were working on a go-kart frame purchased by our faculty advisor, Dr. Bigelow, but we have since combined with a Mechanical Engineering group to produce a car for the Paragon company. The car is based on the "bubble-car" concept, and is designed to be a small, practical vehicle that could be driven around fairs or conventions, and would also be street-legal and able to be licensed as a moped. The vehicle is supposed to be fun, both to drive and to look at, so that it fits in with Paragon's philosophy of "Manufactured Fun."
(click the image of our poster at right for the full-size version, 1.05MB PDF)
Advisor: Dr. Timothy Bigelow
Client: Paragon International, Inc., Nevada, Iowa
Our Team
The motor team is led by Lawrence Woody and consists of the following
members: Chris Larson, Kevin Flynn, Andy Goiffon, and Nick Marquardt.
Also see the team webpage.
Direct links to project documents:
- Project Plan:
Project Plan.pdf (449kB)
- Design Document:
Design Document.pdf (2.04MB)