Visual Log

We have been visually documenting our progress with pictures and videos throughout the implementation of the chipophone. Most of our videos were taken to show off the progress we've made with digitally sending signals from the organ keyboards to the Raspberry Pi's used in the sound synthesis and then the sound generation.

The picture's we've taken display the work we put into taking out the analog circuits that were previously in the organ, as well as the work that we've put into wiring the organ and fabricating the new design we created.


On this page are a few examples of some of the pictures that we've taken as documentation during our project to visually keep track of the progress we made.

Clicking here will take you to our full gallery of pictures.


Embedded here are a couple of example videos that we've taken to document the progress we made on the sound generation and synthesis using the keyboards from the organ and the Raspberry Pi.

The remainder of the videos we've taken are uploaded to a Youtube playlist and can be accessed here.