Team Information

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Our challenge is to create a device (nicknamed "The Chipophone") that will be used as a display piece for the EE/CprE department. Our "chipophone" is a synthesizer that plays music using "chiptune" or "8-bit" sounds commonly associated with early console gaming systems. We are tasked with taking an existing electric organ (one which has already been donated to the project) and retrofitting it to play 8-bit music. All of the pedals, switches, and keys will be wired to create MIDI signals that will be interpreted and rendered into audio output. After the organ has been created, it will be placed in the TLA and will be used as a interactive showpiece to supplement the two arcade machines and the virtual pinball machine already located therein.

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Dustin Amesbury

Project Leader

As the project leader, Dustin is in charge of making sure the team stays on track throughout the semester as well as leading team meetings. Dustin will also be primarily involved with the implementing software in both Raspberry Pi modules.

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Wallace Davis


Wallace is in charge of maintaining the public website and will be involved with implementing the songbox features. Wallace will also be assisting Darren with assembling and testing the electrical components of the chipophone.

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Darren Hushak

EE Director

Darren will be the main executor of any hardware component of the project. Also, as a music technology minor, Darren will advise and direct the group regarding standard music technology practices and music technology structures.

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Brittany Oswald

User Experience Designer

Brittany is going to ensure that the finished product is compatible with users of all skill levels by designing a new interface for the organ using buttons, knobs, and other elements that will make the organ easy to use and attractive when displayed.

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John Tuohy

Communications Liaison

John will be mangaging communication with the client and advisor. He will also be involved with designing and creating the software synthesizer on the Raspberry Pi and implementing the various features of the songbox.