Satsy began as a dissertation topic for Dr. Kathryn Stolee at the University of Nebraska and is the foundation for her continued research as a member of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering faculty at Iowa State University.
Code-search is a real problem that deserves a robust solution. Satsy solves this problem by delivering snippets of source code that satisfy a users needs. These needs are determined by collecting a series of inputs and outputs(Strings, Characters, Integers, and Booleans at the moment) and running them through our special black-box to find methods that match that behavior. For example, a user may enter "foo.txt" as an input, and "foo" as the output to search for code that removes file extension.
A prototype running on a single laptop with a small database has been shown to work and deliver results better than Google! So Dr. Stolee is now working with a Senior Design Team at Iowa State to build out a scalable platform for Satsy as their capstone project.
Dr. Stolee is the lead researcher and drives the requirements for the project.
Liason between Dr. Stolee and the team, oversees development, and manages the search logic.
Beautifies and simplifies the search process by creating a usable, responsive frontend for Satsy.
Keeps the group smiling while sporting the classiest facial hair this side of the 1900's.
Our resident Ninja. You won't see him until it's too late!
Migration, connection, and maintenance of the databases that enable everything we do. Without code to search, there is no code-search!