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DocumentsThis page contains the following documents:
Design Document
Project Plan
Weekly Reports
Final Project Document
Final Presentation
PosterProject OverviewA brief desciption of how the system we implemented works and the different systems used in it.
How To PageThis page holds a couple of items that may be important for new teams, reminders, or troubleshooting.
Kalman FilterThe Kalman filter calculates the best estimate of the current orientation (roll, pitch and yaw) of the quadcopter based on sensor inputs from the FPGA board (gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer)
Base Station FPGA BoardFPGA Board is a 50 Mhz processor using a cycloneIII FPGA. It was built via the Microcart team of 2010/2011. This design was created before and we had to use the constraints of this system.
Current Quadcopter - MarshallThis is the information about the currently flying quad Marshall.