Your Senior Design website is your way to display information about your project. The site is hosted on a shared server and is based on an HTML template. As such, access is limited to uploading/modifying files. SSH access is not available. If your project requires a webserver or database a VM may be requested here.
Editing your site: The site template is a single HTML page based on the Iowa State's Official Theme. There are four sections and it may customized as needed.
Project Overview
This section is for your project is for general information about your project.
Team Members
This section is to list your project team members. The images can be changed by uploading a new image to the www folder and replacing "blank-profile.png" in the example profile with the name of the image in this line:
Design Documents
For both Weekly Reports and Design Documents the method to add files and associated links are the same. Upload the document the www folder and replace "sample-doc.pdf" with the name of the file in this example line:
The sections below contain directions for uploading files, such as PDF's and images to your site based on OS.
Editing your site: The site template is a single HTML page based on the Iowa State's Official Theme. There are four sections and it may customized as needed.
Project Overview
This section is for your project is for general information about your project.
Team Members
This section is to list your project team members. The images can be changed by uploading a new image to the www folder and replacing "blank-profile.png" in the example profile with the name of the image in this line:
<img src="blank-profile.png" class="img-responsive" alt="">
Weekly ReportsDesign Documents
For both Weekly Reports and Design Documents the method to add files and associated links are the same. Upload the document the www folder and replace "sample-doc.pdf" with the name of the file in this example line:
<a href="sample-doc.pdf">Report 1</a><br>
The sections below contain directions for uploading files, such as PDF's and images to your site based on OS.
Using a Windows Share
Your website root directory is available as a Windows shared folder, alternatively called an SMB share. To access the folder use the address \\ within Windows File Explorer and navigate to the folder with the same name as your group. If you are logged into Windows with your ISU username you will not need to enter your password. If you are prompted for a username and password use your ISU email address and password. The full path will be \\\sdsites\teamname (e.g. \\\sdsites\sdmay88-99)
For example:
Within the folder will be two folders, one hidden by default. The www folder is you website root directory, this is where your web files reside. For Dec23 teams and older, a hidden folder called php also exists. Do not modify files within the php folder.
Your website root directory is available as a Windows shared folder, alternatively called an SMB share. To access the folder on Mac use the Connect To Server feature of the Finder.
Select Go:
Connect To Server:
Enter a smb://
Select your group's name:
Enter your ISU email and password:
The www directory is your website root directory:
Select Go:
Connect To Server:
Enter a smb://
Select your group's name:
Enter your ISU email and password:
The www directory is your website root directory: