
Parkinson’s Therapeutic Game
with the Microsoft Kinect (Phase 2)

Codename: Project Theia

Final Documentation


Client: Dr. Ann Smiley-Oyen

Team: May 13-04


Develop an in clinic software that allows patients to track and manage their therapy using the Microsoft Kinect to help guide their movements. (We will focus on parkinson’s initially but will design the software to allow other exercises to be “plugged in”.)

Project Overview and Product Description

The goal of this project is to design a software solution that allows therapists, researchers, doctors and caregivers to track patients therapeutic exercises by using the Microsoft Kinect for Windows. Using the Kinect we will turn the therapeutic exercises into games that encourage the patient through their exercises. We will focus on a game for Parkinson's disease with the desire to be able to plug in games for other therapies/illness in the future.

We will not only add to the Exsolvo (Phase 1) of this project but to re-imagine how this project will be use by patients leading to a commercially useable product.

Exsolvo reference links:

The Kinect will encourage the patient as they play their therapeutic game, tracking how the patient moves and share that information with their caregiver. The physician can set a weekly schedule to help patient keep on track with their therapy.

Initially we will focus just on Parkinsons diseases for now, but the software will be designed in a manner to allow other therapeutic games for other therapies to be added (think of these games like apps we all download to our mobile devices).


Download the Final Project Document:

Final Document (PDF)


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Joseph Groenenboom

Data Analyst

Liaison to Diane Rover

Mitchell Ehlers

Game Design

Liaison to Ann Smiley-Oyen

Robert Romore

UI Design

Human Resources

Brian Kraus

Game Design

Site Administrator

Deven Starn

Web Interface Design

Microsoft Contact

Shawn Hanson