Dec13-12: Phonocardiogram Mobile Application


The goal of this project is to create an android tablet application that can provide an interface with Littmann 3200 Bluetooth stethoscope made by 3M. The application will provide an array of data analysis on recorded and streaming sounds captured from the stethoscope. Our program will allow doctors to diagnose patients on the go without the need to bring bulky equipment. The sounds will also be sent to a database where they can be accessed for further analysis and sharing, allowing for more input from more doctors. This will allow doctors to work more remotely with their patients and give real time diagnosis of the readings. With the increased prevalence of remote examinations, our application will help bridge the gap between patient and doctor.

Weekly Reports

CardioReport 01-28-2013

CardioReport 02-04-2013

CardioReport 02-11-2013

CardioReport 02-18-2013

CardioReport 02-25-2013

CardioReport 03-04-2013

CardioReport 03-11-2013

CardioReport 03-18-2013

CardioReport 03-25-2013

CardioReport 04-01-2013

CardioReport 04-08-2013

CardioReport 04-15-2013

CardioReport 04-22-2013

CardioReport 04-29-2013


Project Plan v4

Design Document v4

Operational Manual

Final Presentation

Project Poster


Tyler Treat
Sean Strickland
Luke Pint
Juan Mozqueda
Alex Swanson
Daniel Heiniger